The best moments from the Dublin International Film Festival this year
The best moments from the Dublin International Film Festival this year

Sarah Finnan

Weekend Guide: 10 great events happening around Ireland
Weekend Guide: 10 great events happening around Ireland

Sarah Gill

‘In fashion design, you’re expected to keep investing in yourself, often without immediate returns’
‘In fashion design, you’re expected to keep investing in yourself, often without immediate returns’

Sarah Finnan

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Recognise these 4 myths about professional women? A new report has just debunked them

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by Victoria Stokes
09th Jan 2024
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Myths about women's workplace experiences support out-dated thinking and hinder the progress of women's inclusion across the pipeline of leadership. The new 'Women in the Workplace' report by McKinsey busts four of them.

No matter where you are on the career ladder, you’ve probably experienced some form of gender bias simply because you are a woman.  There are many stereotypes that perpetuate gender bias and prevent women from taking the next step on the rung. Well, the good news in the fight for workplace equality: in a new Women in the Workplace 2023 Report, McKinsey has taken four of the most pervasive myths about professional women and debunked...

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