The IMAGE Mother’s Day Gift Guide
The IMAGE Mother’s Day Gift Guide


Søstrene Grene’s Easter collection is making us excited for spring
Søstrene Grene’s Easter collection is making us excited for spring

Megan Burns

5 signs your relationship has run its course, according to a therapist
5 signs your relationship has run its course, according to a therapist


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Four-day workweeks: this is what new research shows after 12-months

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by Victoria Stokes
13th Sep 2023
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New findings based on global (including Ireland) year-long, four-day-week pilot projects have busted some of the myths about the sustainability of the approach and the impacts on the bottom line.

“Thank God it’s Friday!” How many times have you uttered those words? With rates of burnout rising, one thing is clear: the Monday to Friday 9-5 model is no longer working for many of us. Now, new research has added to a growing body of evidence that suggests a four-day week may be much better, not only for our mental health but for our productivity and performance as well. And the benefits aren’t just temporary....

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