Introducing The Motherload: a community that redefines what it means to be a mum today
Introducing The Motherload: a community that redefines what it means to be a mum today

Dominique McMullan

The Motherload: ‘The average mother works the equivalent of two and a half full-time jobs’
The Motherload: ‘The average mother works the equivalent of two and a half full-time jobs’

Dominique McMullan

‘One in eight women will be affected by a thyroid condition at some point in their lives’
‘One in eight women will be affected by a thyroid condition at some point in...

Ciara Elliot

Image / Agenda / Image Writes

‘Is this the worst bit?’ I find myself asking that question every two or three weeks

by Lynn Enright
29th Mar 2021

Read time: 6 mins

The question might be prompted by some news event – the highest daily rise in Covid cases for weeks, let’s say – or it might just be because the sun disappeared behind the clouds and everything feels a little grey. As I sit here, writing this, it feels like this is a bad bit. Probably not the worst bit – but bad all the same. It feels like we have entered a sort of empty...

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