‘The average mother works the equivalent of two and a half full-time jobs’
‘The average mother works the equivalent of two and a half full-time jobs’

Dominique McMullan

This Wicklow home is full of rich colours and luxurious finishes
This Wicklow home is full of rich colours and luxurious finishes

Megan Burns

‘I’ve had other jobs on the go at the same time during a few stages in my creative career’
‘I’ve had other jobs on the go at the same time during a few stages...

Sarah Finnan

Image / Agenda

Irish star Laura Donnelly: ‘The fact that we are talking about me being in a Marvel project and I am not 21 is incredible’

by Shilpa Ganatra
30th Oct 2022

From being a star of the stage to joining the Marvel Universe, Laura Donnelly’s career has given her the chance to embody many interesting women, which, she says, is exactly the point.

“I’ve never been satisfied with the idea that we only get one life to live. So my aim starting out as an actor was to live many lives,” says Laura Donnelly of her career. “Life seems unfairly short, and I wanted to experience everything.” Speaking from her home in London, dressed elegantly in a baby pink top that accentuates the flush of her cheeks, Donnelly can safely say that she’s met her goal. As one...

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