With over 16 years of experience under his belt, Ken has become somewhat of a leather master, but he wasn’t always so. After earning his degree in industrial and product design from NCAD, Ken first worked at a local business creating outdoor gear, before moving into a more intricate role.
“My first job after leaving college was designing backpacks and outdoor gear in Kilkenny. Then the next progression in my career was designing technical backpacks and bags for Lowe Alpine in Tullamore, where I developed many skills such as pattern-making and creating concept designs.
“I like to be able to make the final product and I got quite good on the sewing machine! I also got to travel the world and meet people of different cultures.”
When it comes to his process, Ken loves that his craft allows him full oversight, from idea to execution. “My favourite part is designing the bag from the initial concept, then the pattern making and working on how the product is made. I always have designs floating around my head; it’s just getting time to make them!”
Championing green is also a huge part of what he does. All of his leather is ethically sourced and when he’s not creating, you can find him making important repairs. “In my line of work, I also get a lot of repairs, which is quite interesting. It keeps the products that we use in circulation.”
As well as selling his wares, Ken takes part in local exhibitions and has won awards in the RDS national craft competition. “My most memorable design was a Moses Basket made from leather which I created for a Made in Kilkenny exhibition. It was made from stiff veg-tanned leather with a sheepskin rug interior.”
To shop Ken Foley’s leather goods, you can stop by his workshop in 3B, The Caste Yard, The Parade, Kilkenny or browse his website.
“Meet the Makers” is brought to you in partnership with Champion Green. Champion Green is the biggest #SupportLocal movement in a generation, encouraging the people of Ireland to seek local where possible and shop consciously online to keep our towns and communities vibrant for years to come. Champion Green is supported by Kilkenny Design and Visa, in association with Retail Excellence, Small Firms Association, Chambers Ireland, Maxol and AIB Merchant Services. Learn more at championgreen.ie.