‘Put that natural Irish modesty aside and start becoming your own champion’
03rd Mar 2022
With just two weeks left to nominate, IMAGE Contributing Editor Melanie Morris shares more about the IMAGE PwC Businesswoman of the Year Awards and what winning could mean for you.
We lead. We nurture. We inspire. We succeed. Despite this, there are times when we doubt our abilities, our vision and our successes. And, at times, that’s acceptable. Except when we have the opportunity to be in the running for a prestigious national award. That is not the time for self-doubts. That is the time to back yourself.
You have the opportunity to be in the running for an IMAGE PwC Businesswoman of the Year Award, so nominate yourself or another deserving businesswoman today. IMAGE Contributing Editor and awards co-host Melanie Morris shares more about what to expect on the big night, the award categories, and what a nomination or win could mean for you and your business.
5 Tips for Applying
Melanie shares her top tips for nominating yourself (or someone you know) for this year’s awards.
1. Just do it – “Don’t think about it too much; you’ve no idea how many women say to me: ‘I really want to enter but this year just isn’t my year’. Trust me, this year is your year, above all years. We’ve all been through too much over the past while not to seize the moment. So enter! Irish women are so bad at sounding their horns and really, this is the year to do it.”
2. Read the category criteria – “We’ve categories for every sort of businesswoman, whether you’re a young businesswoman, a start-up, an entrepreneur, a digital businesswoman, a management professional, a CEO or, for the first time ever this year, a sustainability champion. You might even fit into more than one criteria, and if that’s the case then enter as many different categories as you like.”
3. If you’re nominating someone else, get them involved in the process – “If you’re applying for someone else like a friend, family member, client or colleague, get them involved because we really want to see the best success story around their business.”
4. There are no trick questions – “When nominating, read all the questions and answer them to the best of your ability. We are not trying to catch you out; we want to enhance your story. We want to hear the really good bits, and our judging panel are an absolute whiz team of professionals. They are looking for ways to get you through, so that’s why we have all those questions.”
5. Come on the night and book your tickets early – “The night will be a magnificent celebration on Wednesday, April 20, in the Clayton Hotel, Burlington Road. We always have a sellout of around 850 amazing women there, so make sure you book early to get all the tickets you need. It’s going to offer a great chance for networking, and we really look forward to seeing you there.”
How to nominate
Our nominations are closing on Monday, March 14 for this year’s awards. We encourage you to put yourself or another successful businesswoman in your life forward for any categories where your/their business skills match our criteria. Who knows — you could be the next Award winner at the IMAGE PwC Businesswoman of the Year 2022!
*Click HERE to apply*
IMAGE PwC Businesswomen of the Year Awards 2022
WHEN: Wednesday, April 20, 2022, from 6pm until late
WHERE: The Clayton (Burlington Road, Dublin 4)
HOW TO REGISTER: Register for your tickets below.
*General Admission tickets are priced at €250 ex VAT and Business Club Member tickets are priced at €200 ex VAT. (Join our Business Club today and receive a discounted ticket!)
**You can find FAQs & T&Cs for the event here.