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The IMAGE Mother’s Day Gift Guide


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Social pictures from the IMAGE Business Club networking event in Cork

Social pictures from the IMAGE Business Club networking event in Cork

05th Dec 2024

Team IMAGE hosted an enlightening evening in Cork where we heard from accomplished Irish business leaders on how they created a way of working that is truly fulfilling, as well as successful.

On Tuesday, December 3, the IMAGE Business Club returned to Cork for another epic networking event: ‘On the Job: Creating a career to love’ in Castlemartyr Resort.

If you were to write your fantasy LinkedIn profile, what would it say? What would you do? And what sort of side-hustles, initiatives, charity work and boards would you wish to align with?

Now, make that a reality. At this very special IMAGE Business Club Live, we brought Career Psychologist Sinead Brady to Cork for a night that got us thinking and planning for next year and beyond.

Sinead has helped women turn the switch in identifying just how to create a lifelong career profile that grows and develops with us, making space for the family years, as well as how to accelerate when the moment is right. Sinead’s style is smart, empathetic and wise, offering plenty that can be easily implemented in carving a rewarding future.

We also spoke with a panel of outstanding female entrepreneurs and leaders about how they evolved their careers and took the brave steps involved in creating businesses and a way of working that has become truly fulfilling, as well as successful. The panel featured fashion designer and retailer Sinead Keary; Lucy Hagerty, founder of La Bougie candles and fragrance; and Evelyn Moynihan, CEO of the Kilkenny Design, in conversation with IMAGE contributing editor Melanie Morris. All women are truly best-in-class (as well as being of Cork heritage!), and we got to learn about some of the key moments and challenges that shaped them for success.

As always, proceedings kicked off with prosecco, Don Julio Paloma cocktails, canapés, and an opportunity to get networking before diving into how we’ll evolve into 2025. There were also special gifts for all attendees, and a chance to meet the IMAGE team and our speakers.

Browse through the gallery below to see more social photos from the event…

Photography by Anna Groniecka.