In light of Tony Holohan’s announcement that he is temporarily stepping back from his role as Chief Medical Officer for personal reasons, team IMAGE wanted to say thanks
It has been a tough few months.
As coronavirus ravaged, the world stopped. Here in Ireland, our lives changed. We adapted and trudged through, but we had a voice of calm among the noise.
The voice was Tony Holohan.
When the Chief Medical Officer announced yesterday that he was temporarily stepping back from his role for personal reasons, the entire country came together to say thanks. His wife Emer was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a form of blood cancer, in 2012. Last week, she was admitted to palliative care and Tony is now taking this time to give his energy and attention to her and his two children.
In light of this, the IMAGE team wants to say thanks to Tony.
For everything.
“I was heartbroken to hear about your wife’s illness. We understand now more than ever that your place should be at her side, leading your family like you have guided us through this crisis. Thank you for everything you have done as Chief Medical Officer, making life-saving recommendations and giving instrumental advice on coping during such an uneasy time. Your advice and leadership has been of great value and I wish you all the best. Enjoy this precious time with your family.” – Shayna Sappington, Staff Writer
“Last night, I was so saddened to hear the news of Dr Tony Holohan stepping back from his role. It’s hard to put into words how thankful I am for the incredible job Dr Holohan has done during this pandemic. He has selflessly been present, offering much-needed medical advice and guidance during such a difficult time for so many. He’s been a rock, has never wavered and he has stayed calm and clear throughout everything. It’s absolutely heartbreaking. I have nothing to say but thank you, again and again. I know everyone in Ireland will be thinking of his family and sending all their love. A true hero doesn’t even come close.” – Sophie Teyssier, Social Media Manager
“The sacrifice that you’ve made to help all of us stay safe would be huge for any person, let alone someone who has had such hardship in their personal life. Thank you for committing to us as well as to your family, for going above and beyond every step of the way. As hard as it was for all of us to stay home, it was much harder for you to lead us and keep us on track. Thanks for never giving up” – Erin Lindsay, Deputy Digital Editor
“The entire country is indebted to you, Tony. You were the anchor that steadied this ship. Since March, we have looked to you for guidance and reassurance. You spoke resolutely and without even a hint of a stutter shared information that was often heartbreaking and cruel. Yet we listened and learned and took your advice without question. We fought this battle together but you were at the front, our commander-in-chief. Who knew there was another war waging behind the scenes? One so cruel that hits the homes of families without assessing the damage. To say to enjoy this time sounds strange. How can one relish something so devastating? But you can savour it, and hold onto every single moment like it’s a precious diamond. When you wanted us to flatten the curve, I wrote on this very website that “I’d flatten tarmac for Tony at this stage.” And I still would. Thank you, Tony.” – Édaein O’ Connell, Staff Writer
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