Carol Brick

paycheck stretch


Paycheque stretching tips from a money expert

Carol Brick, managing director of HerMoney, shares some advice for mindful budgeting and savvy spending to help lengthen…

By Carol Brick

retirement plan


A financial advisor on how to get your retirement plan on the right track

Many clients who come to us are worried that the amount they are saving for their retirement plan…

By Carol Brick



7 money-saving personal finance moves to start right now, according to a financial advisor

At a time when inflation is busting everyone’s finances, try these money-saving personal finance strategies from Carol Brick,…

By Carol Brick

Christmas spending


Christmas spending: 3 tips to avoid a financial hangover, according to a financial advisor

It is a given that we all spend more than normal at Christmas, from Black Friday to the…

By Carol Brick