Rumours of a heatwave have reached our ears and we are desperately hoping against hope that the promised…
By Sophie White
Never underestimate the value of a good mom friend – someone you can talk about detailed sleep schedules…
By Sophie White
From the medicinal properties of quintessential break-up behaviours (do not bother resisting the ice cream bender) to cultivating…
By Sophie White
When Andrea Mara was made redundant, she was devastated – she tells Sophie White how a huge blow…
By Sophie White
Lianna Champ has decades of experience as a funeral director which she has channelled into her first book.…
By Sophie White
Do you find yourself talking about how busy and stressed you are? With stress, the words we speak…
By Sophie White
premium SELF
When you have children your friends matter more than ever – but some friendships just don’t survive the…
By Sophie White
This article was originally written by Sophie White, author of Filter This, in 2019. Her new book, Corpsing:…
By Sophie White
Comedian Maeve Higgins has been steadily building a varied and global career for the last 15 years. As…
By Sophie White
Comedian, writer, podcaster, activist – is there anything Maeve Higgins hasn’t put her talented hand to? Longtime Maeve Higgins…
By Sophie White
When it comes to creating a support network for new mums, Irish women are doing it for themselves…
By Sophie White