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Image / Editorial

3 Cups Of Coffee Might Help You Live Longer

By Jeanne Sutton
18th Nov 2015
3 Cups Of Coffee Might Help You Live Longer

Coffee. It’s great for you one minute. Next thing we’re told delicious steaming coffee is the devil. It’s a difficult back-and-forth, a see-saw of punishment for those of us who have a routine, and that routine is composed around coffee.

Well, if you’re Camp Don’t Take My Coffee Away From Me, Ever consider yourself in luck! A load of brainy types at Harvard University have concluded that three cups of coffee a day are actually very good for you. Apparently three brews can help you live longer and reduce your risk of developing Type 3 Diabetes, heart disease and neurological conditions like Parkinson’s. The study was an expansive one, taking in the habits of over 200,000 men and women over three decades.

One part of the study that is grabbing a lot of attention is the fact researchers didn’t see any difference between decaf and caffeinated coffee when it came to benefits. So if you’ve had to switch to decaf for health reasons – rejoice! You can still indulge and reap the healthy side-effects.

Considering past studies have found coffee also can lower risks of stroke and depression, it only makes sense for use to schedule a hot beverage break immediately.

Via Harvard University