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5 of the best yoga and meditation retreats in Ireland to centre yourself after Christmas

By Erin Lindsay
20th Dec 2019
5 of the best yoga and meditation retreats in Ireland to centre yourself after Christmas

The craziness of Christmas already getting you down? Come back to centre with these great yoga and meditation retreats going on in Ireland next week

When Christmas is all over and done with, the noise and madness of it all can be hard to come down from. Our heads can be all over the place, and it’s hard to feel like yourself again before the pressure of the New Year sets in.

If you’re a yoga lover, or just want to get into it for the new year, there are a number of retreats and experiences on around Ireland in the week after Christmas that are designed to bring us back to centre after the festive madness.

Curious? Give it a go at some of our favourites…

December 22: Winter Warming Retreat in the Dublin Mountains, 1-10 pm at Orlagh House

Where better to experience a soulful retreat than in the heart of the Dublin mountains? The Trailblazery are hosting a special retreat at Orlagh House this weekend, from 1pm to 10pm, focusing on slowing down and unwinding before the beginning of the new year. Including therapies, classes, this is something different, with music and a feast with spiced mulled wine.

December 27: Christmas Masterclass with Jenny Keane at Reformation Yoga, 10-12 pm

As one year draws to a close and another just about to begin, come to your mats to unravel, unwind, connect and recalibrate. This special Masterclass series will see Jenny Keane bring you on a journey each day to unfold, acknowledge and celebrate with movement, meditation, breath and mantra

December 28: Sound Bath Meditation at Yoga Dublin in Ranelagh, 2:30-4:30pm

A Sound Bath is a great way to immerse yourself in meditation. It enables deep relaxation by immersing the group in beautiful sounds, like gongs, singing bowls, rattles, drums and other sound healing instruments such as chimes and the solfeggio pipes. This is said to assist the release of emotion and energy blockages in the body and stimulate healing in a simple yet profound way.


December 28: Settling into the New Year: a Mini-Retreat in Little Bird Cafe Studio, from 1-3:30pm

With teacher Deirdre Murphy, head to this mini retreat that includes yoga, partner stretching, therapeutic body work, and yoga Nidra. You’ll also have the chance to reflect on resolutions and plans for the new year.


December 27 – January 2: New Year Loving Care Yoga and Meditation at the Burren

With outdoor guided meditation and gorgeous vegetarian food to keep you going, this Loving Care restorative session is the perfect way to relax and unwind, to feel at home within your body. For an entire week, follow teacher Claudia Gutierrez as she blends gentle stretching, relaxing and restorative poses to melt away physical and mental tension and deeply rest the mind and body.

Read more: 5 tips to keep your health and fitness on track over the Christmas period

Read more: Ask a therapist: ‘My depression always comes back at Christmas and I can’t talk to anyone about it’

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