By Jennifer McShane
19th Aug 2017
19th Aug 2017
For those that bemoan the end of the summer,?the autumn season means one thing: brilliant TV. And all we can say is, we’ll hardly ever be leaving the house because the TV Gods have been hard at work and we’re in for some great small-screen offerings. But don’t take our word for it, see for yourself with our pick of the five shows we’re most excited about.
Netflix had quite a few offerings at this year’s Comic-Con (where the series trailer premiered) but nothing made as much noise as the Thriller-scored trailer for the second season?Stranger Things, which looks like it’s ramping up the supernatural weirdness of the first season (and the excellent soundtrack) by ten notches. It’s released in October and if it’s anything like the first, we’re in for a treat.
Marvel’s?Defenders?TV series unites Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist and features the formidable Sigourney Weaver. You can stream it on Netflix now, so get watching.
Westworld?won’t return for its second season until spring of next year, but HBO delighted Reddit-obsessed fans by teasing a first-look at the anticipated second series. The robot uprising that began last year is in full swing, and the Man In Black is up to his usual tricks. This is going to be so, so good.
X-Men fans, get excited. The upcoming X-Men TV show has a cast full of so many big-names from?Amy Acker of Angel, Stephen Moyer (or Trueblood‘s vampire Bill) and Jamie Chung, who was Mulan on Once Upon a Time, to name a few. The trailer looks hugely promising at any rate and perhaps a fresh start with a new cast is exactly what the X-Men franchise needs to give it a new lease of life. The Gifted premieres in October and any show that gives us more Stephen Moyer can only be a good thing.
Can you believe we’re at season 7 already? We’re legit still terrified of the scary haunted house goings on (and the credits) from season one. This time around, FX and Ryan Murphy give us an intriguing tease for a season said to be inspired by the 2016 presidential election. ?Is that freakier than the army of insane clowns? We’re saying yes.