By Aisling Keenan
11th Jan 2019
11th Jan 2019
Any skincare expert you speak to will tell you that you don’t need to spend huge amounts of money to have great skin. What’s more important is how you use your skincare and if it’s relevant to your needs. Here are some under €20 skincare buys that I’ve tried, tested and loved so much I’ve gone back for more.
First up, Cerave. As a brand, I am never without at least one of their quality-on-a-budget products. Their body moisturiser 400g tub gives my skin life – check it out here. But when it comes to skincare, the first thing we’re always told is to wear SPF. Cerave have this one that’s a facial moisturiser with SPF25, and I love it. It’s light and doesn’t interfere too much when you apply your makeup.
Cerave Facial Moisturising Lotion, €14
Next, Garnier’s incredibly good value and effective Vitamin C mask. For less than €5, these are handy to have around for when your skin needs a boost of energy. These bring brightness, energy and vitality to my face when I use them, even if it is just a quick fix.
Garnier Vitamin C Shot Tissue Mask, €4.99
This No.7 one is a great buy – I always say, once you’re using an eye cream (and properly) half the job is done for you. You’d be surprised the amount of people who don’t even use one and just bring their moisturiser or serum up around their eyes.
No.7 Early Defence Eye Cream, €18.50
Well, not quite all in one, but ‘Buffet’ from The Ordinary is a great all rounder to put more pep in your skin’s step. It’s a peptide serum and it works to help your skin produce more collagen and elastin. I really enjoy using it, and it makes me feel terribly science-y when I see it on my shelf.
La Roche-Posay is a pharmacy brand that I love, and many of their products fall into the under €20 bracket. But this one is probably my favourite – the Effaclar range blemish treatment. It kills spots practically overnight and leaves your skin feeling and looking less erupted.