Did you make a vague promise to yourself all the way back in January to start running this year, but then it was too cold to glimpse outside? Well, you may want to revisit such ambitions. A recent study published in Cell Metabolism has found that running isn’t just good for your fitness levels and general wellbeing, it could also help fight and prevent cancer.
The study looked at how running affects liver, skin and lung tumours in two groups of mice. One group of tumour-implanted mice were put running on a wheel over a period of four weeks. The other batch spent the time mostly inactive. It was observed that the running mices? tumours? size and growth were reduced by more than 60%. This change was put down to an increased development of natural killer cells caused by adrenaline. Running’s high intensity kicks these cells into gear and affects tumour growth, in a good way. Study author Pernille Hojman said that while scientists knew of the links between natural killer cells and tumour size regulation, this is the first study to look at the links between tumour growth and exercise.
While Hojman stressed to Fox News that more research into how these findings relate to humans is required, there is a glimmer of some guidance for medical professionals dealing with queries from cancer patients about how much they should exercise. Hojman says, “While it has previously been difficult to advise people about the intensity at which they should exercise, our data suggest that it might be beneficial to exercise at a somewhat high intensity in order to provoke a good epinephrine surge and hence recruitment of NK cells.”
The study also looked at how running affects healthy mice and it seems as if the activity lowers the chance of developing tumours in the first place.
Where are those runners we got in the January sales?
Via Fox News