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The ARC Cancer Support fashion show is coming – here’s how to get your tickets

By Grace McGettigan
19th Feb 2019
The ARC Cancer Support fashion show is coming – here’s how to get your tickets

In Ireland, approximately 40,000 new cases of cancer are diagnosed each year, and by 2020, one in two people will develop it. That’s where ARC Cancer Support comes in.

ARC Cancer Support provides a range of professional support, counselling and complementary therapy services to women and men affected by cancer. Whether someone has recently been diagnosed with the illness, is in recovery, or is a family member or friend of someone with cancer, ARC offers a warm and caring environment to nurture the individual, relieve their stress and anxiety, and encourage healing.

All services are provided free of charge, but the charity needs our continued support to keep going.

What is the ARC Fashion Show?

The ARC Fashion Show is the biggest fashion show in Ireland. Now in its fifth year, it gives fashion-lovers across the country an opportunity to celebrate style, all the while supporting a great cause.

Taking place on March 28 at the RDS Concert Hall in Dublin, the fashion show will raise much-needed funds for ARC support centres, who are celebrating 25 years in Ireland this year.

What to expect

This year’s show will include an exciting collaboration between craftspeople and fashion designers. Members of the Council of Irish Fashion Designers have teamed up with members of the Design & Crafts Council of Ireland to showcase exquisite pieces of work; including a spectacular wedding dress encompassing 200 hours of quilting, as well as a piece of millinery created by blacksmith Colm Bagnall and milliner Wendy Louise Knight.

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Speaking about this collaboration, producer of the ARC Fashion Show, Eddie Shanahan said, “This new addition to the show, along with exciting new names like Colin Burke, Amie Egan and Charlotte Lucas, will mean it will be the most innovative ARC Fashion Show to date and demonstrate the real quality and potential of Irish design.”

The ARC Angels

Not only that, the ARC Angels sequence is set to return. This has become an integral part of the show each year and sees a group of women who have experienced breast cancer take to the runway. They each model a specially created capsule collection and it always receives huge cheers from the 800-strong audience.

Goldsmith Helena Malone has been chosen to create special pieces for the ARC Angels this year.

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Bridie O’Reilly, an ARC volunteer, says “Having gone through cancer myself and having used the services at ARC, I wanted to help others that were going through a similar situation. I have been volunteering for the past nine years and I enjoy it immensely.

“The people you meet and the friendships you form are truly wonderful. The ARC Fashion Show is one of those special events which brings women of all ages together to have some fun surrounded with wonderful style and glamour while also celebrating cancer survivorship.”

How to get tickets

The ARC Fashion Show takes place on Thursday, March 28 in the RDS Concert Hall, Dublin 4. Doors open at 7 pm with the show starting at 8 pm sharp. Tickets cost €55 and can be purchased by calling (01) 830 7333 or online at

ARC cancer support fashion show

Photo: ARC Cancer Support