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Image / Editorial

Armed for summer: four fitness tips for toned arms

By Holly O'Neill
18th May 2018
Armed for summer: four fitness tips for toned arms

Terence Berry, operations manager at Educogym, shares four easy fitness tips for toning the arms for the summer weather (we hear it’s coming) 

Goodbye, seasonal affective disorder, black tights, and heavy-duty moisturisers. It’s time to overhaul your beauty routine just as skirt season starts. First step, toning the arms.

“The most important part of any exercise is to make sure you’re clear on what muscle you’re targeting. If you want toned triceps, concentrate on that when performing each rep. It’s better to do quick bursts of weightlifting that work one muscle than spending a long time working on different areas,” says Berry.


Keep a straight posture with both your feet close together and pull the cable from the top downwards until you lock your arms at a 90-degree angle. Release the cable upwards slowly. (Do three sets of eight reps.)


Depending on ability, you can do a seated tricep dip with the aid of resistance weights or a free weight tricep dip that will really test your strength. Place hands on the bars either side of your body, dip your weight slowly downwards and quickly back up to lock out your arms. (Do three sets of eight reps.)


Using the cable and a straight bar while keeping a straight posture, face the machine and curl your arms upwards towards your chest. Release slowly to exercise the muscle for longer. (Do three sets of eight reps.)


Sit into the seat facing the bar/machine and pull the loaded weight towards you, squeezing it at the top for a moment and then releasing it slowly back down to the bottom. (Do three sets of eight reps.)

Backstage photography by Jason Lloyd Evans.

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