15th Sep 2014
15th Sep 2014
Beyonce and Jay Z
We try to write about things other than Beyonc?, we really do, but the woman seems more determined than ever to grace ours and everyone else’s websites ’til she’s old and grey. Not that Beyonce could ever really be old and grey.
First we get wind that the Flawless performer may well be pregnant with a sibling for Blue Ivy, following Jay Z’s hint while performing on Saturday night that the two were expecting once again. Social media went into overdrive when a clip emerged of the Friday night show that captured Mr Z changing the line ?I replace it with another one? to ?pregnant with another one? in the song ?Beach is Better.?
The pair have yet to confirm whether Bey is indeed expecting another Bey Bey but rest assured it won’t be via Twitter or any ordinary means of communication; they’ll dream up something far more original and obscure than that. Such as this here silent movie. Yes, not content with everything else they’ve been doing, they’re now bringing the silent movie back into the mainstream.
As their world domination continues, Jay Z and Beyonce have released part 1 of 3 silent movies just to show us peasants what life is like for the world’s most powerful cigar smoking, gun toting power couple. It’s also a novel way to show the world and the naysayers that their bond is as strong as ever. While we usually struggle to say a bad word about them, truth be told, this is all a little naff. And not all that interesting either.
You’ve already done the Bonnie & Clyde thing, folks, so let’s leave that one be, shall we? What do you think? We’re not exactly holding our breath for videos 2 and 3, directed by the evidently indulgent, Tarantino-inspired Dikayl Rimmasch.
Beyonc? and Jay Z: Bang Bang, Part One on Nowness.com
Caroline Foran @CarolineForan