31st Mar 2016
This April, Hollywood’s sweetheart Cameron Diaz is releasing a book on how to age well. Contrary to what you may assume, it’s not about chemical peels and green sludge diets, but more so about our frame of mind. It’s called ‘The Longevity Book’ and in a blog post to promote her forthcoming release, the actress explains that it’s about looking ?beyond what’s superficial? it’s more than wrinkles, grey hairs and sagging?.
It’s about time we saw those in Hollywood (who’ve had it far worse than you or I) show some self-compassion when it comes to the natural process of ageing. Why are we so hard on ourselves, and so hard on other women who – shock horror – get older and no longer look as they did in their 20s? Cameron’s approach is wonderfully refreshing, and the above photo, in which she smiles without removing her wrinkles in post-production, is beautiful.
In her post, called ‘Embracing age and celebrating life with Cameron Diaz’, she writes: ?I’m interested in engaging us all in a conversation: one that is about regeneration, about new ways to talk to each other and ourselves about the ever growing, changing, and ageing state of being a human. This time I want to talk about one of the biggest taboos in our society. AGEING [?] I wanted to write this book so that we could understand what ageing really is. And what I found was ageing isn’t about getting old it’s about LIVING? and I want you to live the happiest longest and healthiest life possible.?
?I want to let you all off the hook of thinking you need to fit in to one picture of health in order to achieve wellness. From thinking that you have to go out in search of things externally, into a world of confusing messages that tell you how you should LOOK, and what you have to buy and buy into to do so. I say let’s take this conversation beyond what’s superficial? it’s more than wrinkles, grey hairs and sagging – it’s about your cells and what happens deep within them [?]
?Learning that you can age well, will actually help you to age better. If you understand how your body works then you can take action to help keep it in the best possible condition so it can carry you through a long and beautiful life.?
?So let’s start celebrating…and stop punishing ourselves for not looking a certain way, and instead holding ourselves accountable for actually taking care of ourselves inside first, knowing the results on the exterior will be a shining side effect.?