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Image / Editorial

Coffee Is Really Very Good For You

By Jennifer McShane
09th Aug 2015
Coffee Is Really Very Good For You

Avid coffee drinkers listen up! It’s fairly safe to say that we can now think of coffee as somewhat of a super beverage, thanks to the many reasons researchers say drinking it is good for your health.

First we were told it may help fight the effects of alcohol, and now more research has told us that drinking your favourite cup of coffee – in moderation of course – can help reduce skin cancer,?help ward off diabetes and now, wait for it- decrease the risk of death from a number of other?causes. Is there anything coffee can’t do?

In a decade-long study, researchers analysed nearly 450,000 people who drank coffee. The participants had to fill in questionnaires that came from The National Institute Of Health about their various eating and drinking habits.

By the end of the study, close to 3,000 people developed malignant melanoma, a serious type of skin cancer that occurs in the cells that produce pigmentation. After adjusting the research to account for various risk factors including smoking, family history and sun exposure, researchers found the very interesting association that the people who drank four or more cups of coffee a day were 20 percent less likely to developed malignant melanoma.

ICYMI: Put The Kettle On! This Is Ireland’s Preferred Hot Drink For A Caffeine?Kick

Caffeinated coffee in particular lessened the risk even more.

In a separate study, it was found that older adults who drank coffee – caffeinated or decaffeinated – had a lower risk of death overall than others who did not drink coffee, according a study by researchers from the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Coffee drinkers were less likely to die from heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, injuries and accidents, diabetes, and infections.

Researcher Neal Freedman, and his colleagues examined the association between coffee drinking and risk of death in 400,000 U.S. men and women ages 50 to 71, and found that the association between coffee and reduction in risk of death increased with the amount of coffee consumed. Relative to men and women who did not drink coffee, those who consumed three or more cups of coffee per day had approximately a 10 percent lower risk of death. It’s a small percentage, but it’s something at least!

“We found coffee consumption to be associated with lower risk of death overall, and of death from a number of different causes,” said Freedman. “We believe these results do provide some reassurance that coffee drinking does not adversely affect health.”

Finally, this latest study says that?coffee can also cut the possibility of getting diabetes by more than half.

The new study about the effects of coffee on diabetes comes from researchers in Greece and was published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. The study states that habitual coffee drinking over a long period of time can greatly cut the risks of contracting type 2 diabetes.

The lead author of the study from the Department of Nutrition of Dietetics at Harokopio University in Athens, Demosthenes B. Panagiotakos, said the results of the study suggest that those individuals who regularly drink more than one and a half cups of coffee per day were 54 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes.

There are clearly a few more reasons to be happy about sticking the kettle on this morning.