So, it’s the last day of my All Bran Five Day Challenge and I can honestly say that I feel fantastic. As far as I can see there are two main benefits for me and my lifestyle, and both are pretty huge! Firstly, I feel full of vitality. I feel more energised and my digestive system is working more effectively I haven’t felt bloated or sluggish in a week. I have added in more of the fibre advice defined throughout this blog by supplementing my other meals with more plant fibre, and made a switch to brown rice and pasta at dinner-time. Overall, I feel that this is a change I can happily embrace and maintain long-term.
Secondly, the change in my morning has longer-reaching effects. I sit down with my kids and we eat our cereal together. For those few minutes we chat about what might happen in the day ahead, I am no longer rushing around like a lunatic trying to get everyone out the door. Of course it’s still a rush overall, but by making the decision to dedicate mere minutes to eating breakfast together, we’re better as a gang, we’re better prepared for the day and I like knowing that I’m taking proper care of mine and my kids digestive health, as well as having those precious moments together before we head out the door.