13th Jun 2018
13th Jun 2018
In honour of Father’s Day this week, we’re celebrating the main men in our lives here at IMAGE HQ. Every day this week, we’ll be sharing a letter penned to our fathers; sharing memories, love and just thanking them for being them. This is a Letter to My Dad.
Dear Dad,
Throughout my life, you have been there, at the drop of hat, anytime I needed it. You’ve taught me to be strong; kind; helpful; considerate. To work hard at anything I’ve put my mind to, and to always be there for the people I love, no matter what.
You have taught me right from wrong, have dried my tears and supported me through thick and thin.
You have mended cut knees and broken hearts, you have encouraged me and have never given up. You have made me feel so loved, cherished and like I am the centre of your universe.
Without you, I wouldn’t be half the person I am today. I wouldn’t be as strong or determined, successful or courageous. Without you by my side, I wouldn’t be me.
I love you with all my heart and will never be able to thank you enough. I landed on my feet the day I became your daughter and I am the luckiest girl in the world to call you my dad.
On this Father’s Day, I want to say thank you for being you – my rock, my world. I love you beyond words and can never thank you enough for being the man that you are and for making me the person you’ve shown me I can be. Hopefully, you’re proud of the woman I’ve become, even though you know, underneath it all, I’ll always be your little girl.
Happy Fathers Day Dad,
I love you,
Doireann x