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Image / Editorial

Deciem drama: Is the brand shutting down?

By Hannah Hillyer
09th Oct 2018
Deciem drama: Is the brand shutting down?

Deciem, the company behind the beauty brands The Ordinary and NIOD, is no stranger to drama. The brand’s owner Brandon Truaxe famously runs all social media outlets for the company himself. Known for being outspoken, on Instagram especially, we have seen him in the midst of lots of controversy this past year. His posts are often cryptic leaving us wondering, what on earth is going on at Deciem?

Yesterday, a video from Truaxe filmed in the back of a car was posted on Instagram, stating that it was “the final post of Deciem, which we shut down all operations until further notice..which is about two months…please take me seriously”

Truaxe looking visibly upset pans the camera so we can see he is with other Deciem colleagues who appear unfazed by his outburst, before going on to say;

“Almost everyone at Deciem has been involved in a major criminal activity which includes financial crimes and much others”

The written post underneath refers to big companies like Estee Lauder and LVHM, as so many ‘porn studios’. Then listing name after name in the beauty industry like India Knight, Caroline Hirons, Gill Sinclair. As he goes on, he lists more high profile names like Brad Pitt, Stephen Spielberg and even Donal Trump. Confused? So are we.

This is just another in a series of videos from the founder, one post earlier this year had followers worried as we watched Truaxe speaking to the camera in an emotional and somewhat frantic way whilst staying in London. With nobody understanding what exactly was happening, Truaxe was distressed and crying while on camera, as he believed he was in danger. His followers worried for his mental health and wellbeing, with some even contacting the police.

The drama consistently surrounding the brand is an interesting one. So many small, Indie brands such as Glossier and Drunk Elephant, are succeeding mainstream these days. Often they will have an owner who is a big personality. In the case of Deciem, this personality may be having a negative effect with many people in the industry now boycotting the company entirely. Truaxe has created a brand that is transparent and affordable, whilst also having the same attitude to what he posts online. Often, sensitive information, like him sacking his entire US team and private emails are shared online which creates a sense of unpredictability.

Estee Lauder have been minor investors in the brand since 2017 so it is unclear if they will have any sway in this temporary closure, and are yet to comment on the news. It’s safe to say all eyes will be on Deciem to see what happens next.



Photograph: The Ordinary




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