By Grace McGettigan
06th Nov 2019
06th Nov 2019
Emma Watson is self-partnered
Emma Watson said she’s not single, she’s “self-partnered” – and Twitter users have a lot to say about it. Here are some of the best responses to the star’s recent ‘British Vogue’ interview
Emma Watson has coined a new phrase for being single – and Twitter users have mixed feelings.
In a new interview with British Vogue, the actress turned women’s rights activist spoke about being ‘self-partnered’. It’s her way of saying she’s single and she’s happy about it.
Watson said it took a long time to reach this point. Speaking to Paris Lees, she said that society’s pressure on women to be in a relationship by 30 left her “stressed and anxious”.
“If you do not have a husband, if you do not have a baby… There’s just this incredible amount of anxiety,” she told the magazine.
Now, as Watson approaches her 30th birthday, she says, “It took me a long time, but I’m very happy [being single]. I call it being self-partnered.”
Twitter users have had a mixed reaction to the phrase ‘self-partnered’. Some think it’s a wonderful way of saying, ‘I’m focusing on me and improving my relationship with myself’. Self-care at its finest.
Others have said it’s the most “stupid” word to have come from Celeb-Land since Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin’s “conscious uncoupling” in 2014.
One tweet read, “Maybe it’s because when you tell someone you’re single, the automatic assumption is that you’re actively looking for a partner, so by saying self-partnered you’re making it clear that you’d actually rather be on you’re own right now?”
Here are some of our favourite reactions so far:
I guarantee that the publicist who came up with “conscious uncoupling” is also responsible for “self-partnered.”
— Zara Hedderman (@Zara_Hedderman) November 6, 2019
Never heard such nonsense, self partnered! If she gets fed up with that will she then be self widowed?
— Paul Gallagher (@PaulGall186) November 5, 2019
Emma Watson using the term “self partnering” sounds like someone who is reframing negative thinking to gain a kinder relationship to her self. But we should definitely tear her apart, can’t let anyone get too cocky on Keanu Reeves Isn’t Dating A 22 Year Old Bikini Model Day
— Sara Schaefer (@saraschaefer1) November 5, 2019
Gotta mute the replies on this so let me just put this here:
– I’m not criticizing her
– she’s allowed to invent words off the cuff
– a woman being single and using a diff term to describe it does not effect you, like at all
– fucking chill— Sara Schaefer (@saraschaefer1) November 5, 2019
All about being ‘self partnered’, I’m happy and single. Just because I’m nearing 30 does not mean I need to be married with kids. Thanks for coining this phrase Emma Watson ??
— Hannah Tucker (@h_tucks) November 5, 2019
I love Emma Watson describing her relationship status as ‘self-partnered’. Though presumably when she does meet someone she’ll have to break up with herself? “Sorry, it’s not me, it’s me.”
— Alex Duffy (@whatalexthinks) November 6, 2019
Why are people having a go at Emma Watson for saying “self-partnered”? How are they managing to twist that into something negative?
— Serendipiteedee (@serendipiteedee) November 6, 2019
It’s nice to know there are other nearing 30’s that acknowledge the truth of subliminal spiel behind why we feel like under achievers if we aren’t married with children at this age. @EmmaWatson
— Lewis Tabone (@LewisMCT3) November 6, 2019
The fact that ACTUAL EMMA WATSON felt pressure to have her shit together by 30 is pretty telling. But surely using a term like “self-partnered” is only creating more stigma? Just say you’re single, love. It’s grand.
— Hazel Hayes (@TheHazelHayes) November 5, 2019
Although maybe it’s because when you tell someone you’re single, the automatic assumption is that you’re actively looking for a partner, so by saying self-partnered you’re making it clear that you’d actually rather be on you’re own right now?
— Hazel Hayes (@TheHazelHayes) November 5, 2019
Emma Watson’s #selfpartnered quote is actually absolutely amazing, because it puts the emphasis on having a relationship with yourself rather than having the absence of a relationship with somebody else.
That’s super empowering & healthy.
— Sophie. (@_sophiedarling) November 5, 2019
Photo: Emma Watson via Instagram
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