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Image / Editorial

Feeling Lost?

08th Sep 2014
Feeling Lost?

There will be times in life – be they small blips that rise and fall in the blink of an eye or bigger things that will seem like your emotional Everest – when you’ll feel as though you’re being tried, tested and forged in the fire of life, or are swimming against the current while everyone else appears to be blissfully floating along. They’ll have their tough times, too, don’t worry.

If you’re currently enjoying a lull where life feels easy and good, the following quotes that we’ve cherry-picked from Editor Ellie’s Pinterest board should help you continue in that positive direction. On the contrary, if you find yourself caught in the eye of a storm, they just might help you see that there is always, I repeat ALWAYS, light at the end of the tunnel. Even if you can’t quite see it yet.

1. When you inevitably overcome the seemingly insurmountable, only freedom lies beyond.

2. Remember what they say: this is not a dress rehearsal. This is life, right here, right now. Embrace it.

3. It’s always darkest before the dawn; know that.

4. Let the balloon go. Your past has shaped who you are, but it doesn’t have to define you in the present.

5. Only in the face of adversity will we truly learn who we really are.

6. Have faith, remember that everything is temporary. If you are struggling right now, it will change. Open yourself to positivity and it will find you.


Any to add that’ve helped you at certain times in your life? Stay tuned for more next week.
