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Image / Editorial

Gift Wrapping

16th Dec 2014
Gift Wrapping

Brown Box with Message,

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BASH-style giftwrapping ideas

Christmas is the season for wrapping up. We stay warm in our winter woolies, snuggle up on the couch, bundled in blankets. And my favourite wrapping to do at Christmas wrapping presents; the calm after the manic marathon of shopping? the chance to let my fingers be busy, so that my mind can be still. In fact, I spend more time wrapping than shopping. And almost as much time researching wrapping ideas… like these?

Cool geometric trinket boxes?

Bump up the sentimentality by slipping an old family photo underneath some twine, atop your gift – the perfect mix of nostalgia and newness

Twine replaced ribbon as the key finishing touch, for the last few years – now it’s time to add some pompoms into the mix. We’re LOVING this idea to make your presents pop, plus you can reuse the trimmings to enhance your interiors.

Now that your gifts are perfectly placed beneath the tree, you need to figure out how to label them without ruining your craftsmanship. What to do? We think these sweet gift tags are the perfect way to spread the Christmas cheer and ensure that your sister doesn’t try to swipe your mom’s Cr’me de la Mer.

Find more inspiration on our Pinterest.