My Life in Culture: Irish director John Kelly
My Life in Culture: Irish director John Kelly

Sarah Finnan

The trouser trends coming to your wardrobe this spring
The trouser trends coming to your wardrobe this spring

Sinead Keenan

Madigan Cashmere: ‘We’d like to be remembered as the maker of garments that bore witness to lives well-lived’
Madigan Cashmere: ‘We’d like to be remembered as the maker of garments that bore witness...

Sarah Finnan

Image / Editorial

‘Going through the menopause almost cost me my marriage’

by Amanda Cassidy
07th Oct 2023

New research shows that more than half of women in Ireland fear their long-term relationships are suffering as a result of symptoms of menopause. While society has moved on from over-simplifying it as ‘The Change’ and recognised that symptoms go way beyond hot flushes, a greater understanding and improved support is still needed. Amanda Cassidy reports.

“I’d lie awake at night with this gnaw of anxiety that my life wasn’t where I wanted it to be,” admits Kelly, a mother of two teens from Limerick. “I felt so unsatisfied with my lot. It was a horrible feeling of regret and disappointment and mostly just worry. I’d wake at about 4am and be unable to go back to sleep because of this awful dread. I started to take it out on my...

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