19th Aug 2014
Instagram photo of stretch marks
One of the best things about the internet is when it brings people together to effect positive change and #LoveYourLines is the latest campaign bringing an infectious smile to our faces. The?Love Your Lines Instagram account was set up by two mothers last week. The growing campaign celebrates stretch marks and calls on Instagram users to submit a photo of a part of their body that they ?think will inspire others to feel good about themselves (a part that you may have struggled with in the past or currently).” Some of them women are mothers talking about how their bodies changed after giving birth. Others bear their marks from puberty.
The movement may have started small but it is going global with its message of body confidence that takes in women of all “shapes, sizes and cultural backgrounds”. Submissions grow every day and alongside these striking and beautiful images women share their personal stories.
One description reads, €25, 130 lbs, no kids. I’ve had my lines since middle school. I used to be embarrassed and hide them, tried cocoa butter and fade creams. I’ve learned to fully embrace it. Now I can walk down the beach, no cover up… they’re forever a part of me and my lines are beautiful.”
Another woman muses, ?Mother of three who gained 50+ lbs with each pregnancy. I have successfully lost 55lbs. The weight is gone but the marks remain. This was my children’s first home, this is where my children grew before I could hold them. I try to see the beauty in that.”
Jeanne Sutton @jeannedesutun