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Image / Editorial

Joe Jonas & Game of Thrones’ Sophie Turner Threw A Low Key Engagement Party

By Jennifer McShane
06th Nov 2017
Joe Jonas & Game of Thrones’ Sophie Turner Threw A Low Key Engagement Party

In the world of celebrity weddings, we’re all too used to OTT extravagance. Think Kim Kardashian – in it (mostly) for the lavish Instagram-worthiness of the snaps. And yes, we’re suckers for a glimpse into how the other half lives (especially when it comes to anything bridal-based) but even we need time out from all the staged-and-filtered perfectness of it all. Case in point: Game of Thrones star Sophie Turner’s celebration of her engagement to her boyfriend of a year, singer Joe Jonas.

The duo rented the private party room at NYC’s Mamo and E! News reports that they were joined by DNCE members Cole Whittle and JinJoo Lee, as well as Nick Jonas, Kevin Jonas, and model Ashley Graham. Yes, it was all very glamorous and decadent – truffle pizza and champagne no less – but the biggest thing that jumps out from the photos is just how genuinely normal they look; the social media snaps appear not for show, instead they are just a celebration of their happiness. The low-key (as star-filled events go) element of it all is most refreshing.

The duo hit up the Italian eatery for an “intimate dinner” with about 30 family members and close friends. After the small dinner – which also included truffle ravioli – the group apparently moved on to a “wild night of dancing.”

Have a glance at some of the snaps below:

Congrats @joejonas & @sophiet on your engagement ? #jophie

A post shared by Joe Carozza (@thecarozza) on

And just look at that ring:

She said yes.

A post shared by J O E J O N A S (@joejonas) on
