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In 2025, we are failing our boys

Edaein OConnell

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Image / Editorial

Masks and face coverings to be compulsory on public transport from today

By Edaein OConnell
13th Jul 2020
Masks and face coverings to be compulsory on public transport from today

Regulations come into effect today that will make the wearing of masks and face coverings on public transport compulsory

It will be compulsory to wear masks and face coverings on public transport from today.

The regulation to enforce the rule will see fines of up €2,500 handed out to individuals who are not compliant. Or they could face up to six months in jail.

If a person refuses to do so or does not have a valid excuse, the gardaí can be called. A face mask can be removed to provide emergency help, care for a vulnerable person, or take medication.

Drivers and other personnel have the power to request someone to wear a mask. They also have permission to ask an individual to leave the vehicle if they refuse to observe the rule. Although, unions have expressed concerns over how the ruling is to be policed.

In a notice to members of the National Bus and Rail Union, the association said “it advises members not to put themselves in danger of conflict and urges government once again to create a dedicated transport police as the gardai are best placed to police the new legislation.”

Yesterday, 17 new cases and no new deaths from Covid-19 were reported, but fears have arisen over an increase in cases, particularly among young people.

A new Ipsos MRBI poll for the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association found 52pc are very likely to get a Covid-19 vaccine while 21pc are fairly likely.

Yet most people (62%) believe a vaccination will not be available until next year.

Read more: The rise of the curtain-twitchers: Has COVID-19 turned us into a nation of tattle-tales?

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