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Image / Editorial

How Can You Motivate The People You Love To Get Fit?

By Liz Costigan
04th Feb 2018
How Can You Motivate The People You Love To Get Fit?

If you’ve been bitten by the fitness bug, it’s natural to want to spread the love to the people around you. You want to motivate them to feel as great as you do and to join you on your exciting journey, but this can be easier said than done. Everybody is different and every body is different, so what works for you may not work for someone else. Be patient and try not to force your opinions or beliefs on others. Your desire to help comes from a good place but it can have the opposite effect if you’re not careful, according to trainer Liz Costigan of Positive Fitness Project.

Here are her tips to help you encourage the people you love to start getting fit and healthy, it will be great for them to start looking after their bodies but also it will help you to keep motivated when your mojo takes a vacay which inevitably happens to us all.

Remember it’s not about you

Make sure you know what is important to them – is it energy, weight loss, strength, general health or an event they would like to complete in? When you know this you are in a better position to motivate and help.

Lead by example

When we make changes in our lives it has a ripple effect on the people around us. It may not be to the same extent but any small change is better than no change at all. Be sure to talk about your journey and how great you feel. Be honest though and share your fears and struggles too.  We all find it hard to get motivated and sometimes the fitness world can be very intimidating. Be patient and you will inspire without even realising it.

Be their training buddy

Offer to work out with your friend or family member. Try new classes and make it a social event.  I often meet friends for a class and a cuppa which is a lovely way to spend an afternoon and you are getting the best of both worlds. Cook a healthy meal for them showing them that healthy eating can be delicious. Always remember to be patient. Encourage and congratulate your new training buddy and their confidence and self-belief will build.

Give the gift of health

Is there anything nicer than giving wellbeing, energy, vitality and health as a pressie? It definitely beats a voucher for me any day! You could book a yoga workshop for both of you, sign them up for a fun run or maybe even head off on a retreat at home or abroad!

Offer plenty of moral support

The biggest hurdle for many people is just getting started so when they do get up and go, give them loads of positive reinforcement- in person and by text/whatsapp.  And if you find the people around you just aren’t interested in getting healthy right now don’t worry. Let them find their own path while you continue on with your own routines until they are ready to join, checking in regularly to feel out whether their attitude to starting has changed and they are more open to it

For more tips for a Fit February, read here.

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