By Jennifer McShane
11th Nov 2018
11th Nov 2018
Always wanted to try your hand at acting or do you know a friend that would jump at the chance? Netflix have announced that they are looking for tall girls 5’10” and over to play a leading role in their new movie Tall Girl – and Irish girls are invited to audition as part of the worldwide casting call.
The 2019 Netflix original live action comedy film Tall Girl will follow a 16-year-old who must embrace what makes her different and be proud to stand out, not fit in.
The film is intended to “capture the tone of the classic John Hughes movies,” and explore the “nuanced and delicate relationships that make high school challenging, frustrating, memorable, and up-lifting.”
Tall Girl is directed by Nzingha Stewart (Grey’s Anatomy, A Million Little Things) and written by Sam Wolfson (Andi Mack, Finding Carter).
Netflix announced this week that the producers of the film are currently in search of tall girls from all over the world to audition for the part of the female lead: 16 year old Jodi, who – at more than six feet tall – has to go above and beyond to survive high school while struggling with the constant label of being her school’s tall girl. Auditions are open to girls on a worldwide basis who are 5’10” or taller and between the ages of 13 and 21 years old.
“Tall Girl is about all the places where we feel awkward or tender, and learning not only to accept those places, but to shower them with unconditional and radical love,” said director Nzingha Stewart.
Irish girls who want to audition can visit www.tallgirlcasting.com and submit between November 5, 2018 and November 21, 2018. Tall Girl will begin shooting in January of 2019.