A new study has sadly concluded that women are in a near constant state of self-criticism. In fact we take the time to tear ourselves apart up to eight times per day, if this new research is to be believed. Across 2000 women, the most common topic of criticism was their weight, suggesting that far too many of us have yet to feel happy in our own skin. Carried out by Weight Watchers, as part of the WomanKind campaign to explore why women are so regularly unkind towards themselves, it is suggested here that social media and the recent Internet-wide obsession with selfie perfection are to blame. Speaking with The Daily Mail, their Head of Public Health Zoe Griffiths explains: ?We’re seeing a rise in women being self-critical, from the way they look to the way they feel at work… Our research has shown that being unkind to ourselves has been an underlying theme for women for many years, but a set of very modern cultural conditions have increased the intensity of this unkindness which are hard to avoid.?
Proving that self-love should trump all other new year’s resolutions, the statistics are pretty upsetting here: Almost half (46%) of women surveyed admitted to criticising themselves at least once before 9.30am every day while 42% said they could never compliment themselves at all.
This research comes nicely timed with Women’s Health’s decision to ban the term bikini-body, which is, at least, one step in the right direction towards a more female, body-positive world. Maybe one day we’ll book a holiday without the thought of being bikini-ready ever entering our minds.