By Meg Walker
23rd Apr 2018
23rd Apr 2018
Makes 300g
One 425g tin chickpeas, drained
60ml pickled beet juice
2 tbsp olive oil + more for garnish
55g tahini
1 garlic clove
½ tsp fine sea salt + more as needed
freshly ground black pepper
chopped fresh parsley, for garnish
In a food processor, place the chickpeas, beet juice, olive oil, tahini, garlic, and salt and process until completely smooth, 2-3 minutes. Season with pepper and more salt. Transfer to a shallow serving bowl, drizzle with olive oil, and sprinkle with parsley. Store in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.
Extracted from Platters and Boards: Beautiful, Casual Spreads for Every Occasion by Shelly Westerhausen, with Wyatt Worcel (Chronicle Books, approx €22). Photographs by Shelly Westerhausen and Wyatt Worcel.