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Join our networking event: ‘Word Up: Why Communication is Key’

Shayna Sappington

Join our networking event: ‘Word Up: Why Communication is Key’
Join our networking event: ‘Word Up: Why Communication is Key’


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WIN a year’s subscription to Ahimsa Yoga’s online library worth €360


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Stop everything: the world’s most popular rosé is now available in Ireland

By Geraldine Carton
11th May 2018
Stop everything: the world’s most popular rosé is now available in Ireland

What if we told you we had just heard whispers that the world’s most sought-after, most hard-to-find rosé is now available in Ireland? Yes, the drink that celebrities sip at summer soirées, and guzzle in swanky restaurants has weaved its way onto our humble shores, and frankly, we can hardly contain our excitement.  

Pale, pink and posh

Whispering Angel is one of the most expensive Rosés in the world, but with the high price comes exceptional quality; a fact that the French Riviera locals caught onto from day one.

In the past rosés used to vary in colour (often darker) and flavour (often stronger). Then people got wind of the fact that the rich and famous of Monaco and Canne were imbibing a pale pink southern France speciality, and they wanted in on the trend, too. That’s really all it took for Whispering Angel to influence the look and taste of rosés all over the world forever more.

A drink that was made for smoochy days under the summer sun, it has now risen to levels of popularity that result in instantaneous worldwide sell-outs every year, long before the sun’s rays have had the chance to shine through.

Get in on the action

Come springtime, it’s easy to spot a wine supplier who has managed to secure a few Whispering Angel pallets. They have an angelic glow about them and tend to walk around with the swagger of the cat who got the cream (a statement made all the more accurate when you remember how strawberries and cream make the perfect rosé accompaniment). Finding a stockist in mainland Europe is undoubtedly an easier task than us island folk must endure, but the good news is that if you have to have your finger on the pulse, you too can get in on the action.

One such stockist who has managed to get his hands on a particularly big allocation is the director of, Will Mullin. In an attempt to quench the public’s insatiable appetite for this heavenly rosé, Will knew he would need to at least double last year’s stock (no easy task when you hear stories of people practically selling their souls for it). But nonetheless, Will got the goods.

*Cue cheers*

Even with this huge haul, however, Will Mullin still doesn’t see his prestigious stash sitting in his warehouse for long; “we expect that it’ll be sold out again by June of this year. The demand is honestly incredible”. As the old saying goes, “you gotta be in it to win it”, so if you plan on getting the girls around for an afternoon of sun-soaked wine this summer, then we recommend you place your order asap, before the Whispering Angel flies away… delivers all over Ireland, with free delivery on orders over €175.


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