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Image / Editorial

Small, Beautiful and Useful

16th Sep 2014
Small, Beautiful and Useful

Crest bottle opener by Fort Standard

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Usable pieces that make your day more beautiful…

?Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful,? said William Morris. With those words of wisdom in mind, we’ve rounded up our favourite petite, pretty and practical homewares?

1. Crest bottle opener by Fort Standard, €49, Makers and Brothers

2. Sticky plastic colour notes, €5, HAY Amsterdam

3. Paperweight set, around €110, Monocle

4. Jewel door knobs, €11 each, Anthropologie

5. Brass-toned stainless steel clip, €5, HAY Amsterdam

6. Scholten & Baijings for Hay?blue-tipped crystal water glass, around €12, The Goodhood Store

7. Broste mango-wood canister, around €50, The Goodhood Store

8. Classic brass paper clips, around €9, Present and Correct

9. HAY’desktop boxes, around €60 for a set of seven, The Goodhood Store

Do you have a small, beautiful and useful item to add to our list? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


Sheenagh Green for @image_interiors