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Image / Editorial

Stephen Byrne: What Makes Me Feel Good

08th Jul 2015
Stephen Byrne: What Makes Me Feel Good

Stephen Byrne

Stephen Byrne is known not only for his impressive quiff of hair, but also his habit of rubbing shoulders with the world’s biggest movie stars and celebrities as part of his role on RTE 2’s Two Tube. Alongside this dreamy hosting gig, Byrne also helms?his very own show on the weekends on RTE 2fm, as well as having made a name for himself as a very influential Youtuber. Get to know him on Twitter below. Here he takes time out of his hectic schedule to take part in our ‘Get Happy’ campaign, and tells us what makes him feel good.

Before bed I read my emails, Facebook, Twitter – GAH! It’s a habit I’m trying to get out of. I?could be lying there for an hour refreshing. I need to learn to turn things off when the head?hits the pillow!

My family are everything to me.


? Stephen Byrne (@stephenbyrne) October 19, 2014

The song that will always cheer me up is You’ve got a friend in me by Randy Newman or?anything off the Toy Story soundtrack. The song I can’t not dance to is True Survivor by David Hasselhoff! I’m not lying! We play it?every day in my apartment! So goooood.

My happy place is on an airplane. I like the idea of switching everything off and knowing I’m?away from contact. My perfect day would be spent stress free with friends or family trying something new! The one thing I eat for a happy tummy is bacon. You seriously can’t beat good bacon. All I want in life is to feel like I’ve not held back on anything because I was too scared or too?worried about what other people thought to try. Life would be nothing without pushing yourself to constantly learn new things!

To me, the definition of happiness is feeling comfortable in your own skin. My ultimate guilty pleasure: song Anything Britney Spears? movie Spy Kids? No idea why??food Pasta with just butter and salt.

My cheer me up person is my sister because she knows how to make me laugh by tearing me?apart haha.

Life is too short for worrying about stupid things. Seriously! We’ll all be gone one day, what’s?the point in building things up into something they are not?

I wish I could tell 16 year old self to be more true to yourself. Everything becomes a lot easier?when you start living your own life without a constant mask.

When I’m old and grey I hope to still be as active and youthful as I am now. But not wearing?the clothes I am now. I don’t think 80 year old me would look good in New Balance.

Follow Stephen on Twitter @StephenByrne