Frequently, our bedroom finds itself at the bottom of our interior design list. It’s rarely seen by others, and even when you’re there you’re mostly asleep. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t give the bedroom some artistic attention. Simple statement pieces add a lot to a room – colour, texture, dimension – and our go-to pieces for the bedroom are headboards.
In order to give our bedroom some much needed love this spring, we’ve selected a few of our favourite headboards to revitalize this comfortable space.
Tall and buttoned or short and stocky, headboards work to draw the eye and add a bit of elegance to a room often overlooked. This accessory rarely sits flush against the wall, adding depth to an otherwise flat room. Curved or shaped designs add life to the constancy of straight lines found in the room’s other furniture. Cushioned headboards add to the room’s coziness while metal or wood give it the comfort of a rustic cottage.
Classic but minimal, this headboard saves space with its slots for Neptune’s Rathbone reading lights.
Charlie Headboard, from €1260, Neptune
Handcrafted in Portugal, this lightweight leather headboard is easy to install, making room rearrangement easy.
Hanging Leather Headboard, from €613.51, The Citizenry
The smooth curves and floral design turn your room to place of repose, so it’s easy to imagine you’re somewhere else.
Sienna Headboard, €459, Urban Outfitters
This rustic fir headboard comes equipped with hidden shelving as well as pull out side tables, making tidying up quick and easy.
Smuggler Headboard, €574.30, Loaf
The diagonal panels mimic the rays of the morning sun, adding a subtle spot of joy to the room.
Violetta Velvet Floorstanding Headboard, from €197.50, Oxendales
Featured image: Balmoral Headboard, €613.87, Heal’s