Categories: Editorial

The 5 Minute Emergency Christmas Pudding Recipe (That Tastes As Good Your Granny’s)

by Niamh ODonoghue
20th Dec 2016

Okay, it’s December 20th. The turkey and ham are ready for collection, the gifts are wrapped, the guests know what time they’re arriving.

Everything seems in place until you realise you realise that the pudding you thought you prepared months ago was, in fact, imagined.

Don’t panic! We know the store-bought puddings don’t always cut it, so here’s a perfectly quick and tasty 5-minute pudding recipe from the BBC that you and your guests will love.

Last-minute Christmas pudding

serves 6-8

Prep: 10

Cooking time: 25 MINS


  • 300g good quality mincemeat
  • 140g fine shred orange
  • marmalade
  • 200g molasses
  • cane sugar
  • 4 tbsp treacle
  • 3 egg, beaten
  • 4 tbsp whisky
  • 100g butter, frozen and coarsely grated
  • 200g self-raising flour


  1. Butter and line the base of a 1.5-litre pudding basin with greaseproof paper. In a large bowl, stir the ingredients together, adding them one at a time in the order they are listed, until everything is completely mixed.
  2. Tip the pudding mix into the basin and cover with a circle of greaseproof paper. Place the pudding on a plate and microwave on Medium for 20-25 mins until cooked and an inserted skewer comes out clean. Leave to stand for 5 mins, then turn out and serve with brandy butter and cream.