Categories: Editorial

The Writer’s Life

21st Jun 2013

Corkonian Jo Linehan has more than a few strings to her bow. Before starting at IMAGE she studied music, majoring in voice and drums and wrote percussion for a Fringe Festival in Dublin. We noticed her when she launched a fashion blog which was shortlisted for Vogue’s ‘Best New Blogger’. The rest is history.

Before starting at IMAGE what did you do??After school, I studied International Development and Food Policy at UCC. I loved parts of that course, but dropped out after first year and switched direction. I studied music for 3 years in Col?iste Stiof?in Naofa, majoring in voice and drums and studying music management, recording, performance. That was a really wonderful time and I got to indulge my lifelong love of music. All this time I had been blogging about fashion and it was really starting to take off’so I decided it was time to concentrate on my love for fashion.

Tell us a little about your blog??My blog, s-oh-s-ew came from a need to express and share my love of high-end, couture and designer fashion. The title of the blog came from me thinking, “So what if I can’t afford to buy it? I’ll sew it for myself.” I guess that initial idea developed into a collage and collection of my musings on fashion, interpretations of trends and way of creating my own couture world on a High-Street budget. Dreaming big on a shoestring, I suppose! I’m still proud of it. I feel hugely lucky I get to continue working in fashion at IMAGE.

What’s your favourite part of your job as staff writer??Every day is different, you never know who you’re going to meet and what project is next on the list. I love that I get to explore the exciting things that are happening here in Ireland from fashion to food, business to the arts; it’s always really inspiring.

In Dublin, where do you hang out??I have my favourite spots; for a drink it has to be Bison Bar on the Quays or Secret Bar. Food-wise, I love Bibi’s in Portobello, Brother Hubbard, Coppinger Row…and I love tapas! So Market Bar, 777 and Pinxtos. Metro on South William St is the best people watching spot in the city…

Tell us about a typical day’s work??There’s no such thing! I can be a shoot, at my desk writing a feature, interviewing people for our Real Women slot, attending events…

What are we most likely to find in your handbag??Ray Ban lookalikes from Penney’s, as I’ll inevitably lose them, Elizabeth Arden 8 hour cream, my Moleskin diary, brolly and headphones for the commute to and from work.

How would you describe your sense of style??Ephemeral -it changes every day. It depends how I’m feeling when I wake up.

What’s your failsafe office to event look??Red lipstick is my top tip for changing your look in two minutes. MAC’s Ruby Woo is my shade of choice.

Who in the fashion industry do you see as inspirational??Internationally? Raf Simons (head designer at Dior) has a vision and talent that is so utterly his own…I love what he’s done at his own men’s label and I’m really enjoying watching what he’s creating at Dior now. Here in Ireland? Stylist Paula Hughes is a huge inspiration. And I love what Colm Corrigan and Dee Hynds are doing with Fashion Screen.

If you have a free day, what’s your favourite thing to do??In Dublin, I love exploring. I’ve been venturing through the Phoenix Park for weeks now and I STILL haven’t seen it all! I love visiting new neighbourhoods in the city. Thanks to my housemate (who’s a writer and actor) and the friends I made when I moved here first (who are all actors, too) I have a huge love for theatre. Acting and the theatre world is another world and it takes huge commitment and dedication, so I feel like we are on the same wavelength. Project Arts Centre is my fail-proof venue for a show. Their work is new, challenging and will always get you talking.

?What’s your dream holiday destination??Right now, a great festival is probably my dream escape. I’m dying to get to Coachella with guaranteed sun! Next on my list is Antwerp. The fashion and design emerging from there at the moment is really exciting – Ann Demeulemeester is one of my favourites – and I want to get in on the action soon as possible! I hear they do great coffee and pastries too…

?@cathy_donohue is our editorial assistant at IMAGE magazine; she loves anything fashion or beauty related.