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This viral tweet is proof men must STOP commenting on women’s fertility

By Jennifer McShane
31st Jul 2019
This viral tweet is proof men must STOP commenting on women’s fertility

Fertility can be a heartbreaking conversation for some women to have, so why, in 2019, do men still think they can just weigh in with their thoughts on the matter?

One of the most evasive questions you can ask a woman is if she plans to have children. Unless the information is volunteered directly, there’s a reason it’s not being shared. Namely, because it’s intensely private, but also because it could be too painful to answer. They may just have decided that they don’t want a child and choose not to volunteer that information but what if another reason is at play? What if, despite all their wants and efforts, the women at the centre of the question cannot have children? To have to answer may only bring the pain to the fore once again.

Related: ‘For everyone going through infertility and conception hell, please know it was not a straight line for me’

We know this. And yet still the question gets thrown around casually. My sister is just over a year married and even before the wedding, all I heard said was, “when you have kids.”  Not even a question of if she wanted them, it was just an assumption made. It reiterates the pressure women are constantly under to reproduce, as if that should be a primary focus.

For some, it is and that’s fine. But for others, being constantly made feel as if they are somehow lesser for not going down this route – especially as they go into their thirties – creates a weight that can be impossible to lift.

Especially if this ‘advice’ happens to be (ahem) from a male who has no interest telling women what they should or shouldn’t do with their bodies.

Stefan Molyneux has received a backlash after doing exactly this – specifically when it comes to fertility. For those who don’t know Molyneux is, perhaps unsurprisingly, known for being a far-right podcaster with white supremacist views so his comments should, unfortunately, come as little surprise in this sense.

“Ladies, by the time you are 30, 90% of your eggs are dead,” he wrote. “Get married young, have your babies, THEN have your career. You have 40 years to work if you want to, you only have a short time to have children. Listen to Mother Nature – she loves you and wants you to be happy. :)”

Lord save us.

Yes, our fertility rates lesson as we age. Figures say that we have around 2,000,000 eggs when we are born. This drops to around 25,000 by the time we are 37. However,  research shows women still have a 90% chance of getting pregnant – without IVF or subsequent intervention – by the age of 32, so it doesn’t happen automatically once you hit 30.

And what of the other side of the argument? Countless research also says that women can be effectively held back in their careers after they have a family so it seems we just can’t win.

Related: ‘A long and tough journey’: Rosanna Davidson announces she’s expecting baby girl via surrogacy 

Even post #Me-Too some men (not all men) still think they can validate themselves by telling us what we should do with the bodily autonomy we have to constantly fight for.

To quell the rage (and the fact that the tweet itself has gone viral), below are some of the best of the thousands of responses. Read those and ignore the original tweet:

Main photograph: Unsplash

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