Any parent will tell you that the mere thought of anything happening to their newborn baby is enough to induce feelings of panic and hysteria. But just in case your little one ever becomes unconscious or, heaven forbid, stops breathing, it’s hugely important to know the correct way to administer CPR. A recent study said that a mere 1 in 4 of us would know what to do if either emergency situation’took place, so this new clever?ad is a must-watch.
St John’s Ambulance has now come up with an informative video to teach parents how to give their children CPR. Through the guise of’delightful puppet animation that took four months to produce, viewers get a glimpse?into the creative struggles of Humpty Dumpty, Incy Wincy Spider, Jack & Jill and the Cat & the Fiddle as they try to come up with a rhyming solution to teach parents CPR basics.
“Nobody wants to know about baby CPR. It sounds scary and complicated,”Creative director Ian Heartfield told AdWeek. “So, the task was to find an idea that cut through all the noise, and entertained people while at the same time educating them. It also had to be something you’d want to share with others. The first thing to try to make something memorable is to make it rhyme, and as we were talking about baby first aid, nursery rhyme characters seemed like a good starting point.”
In the end, they came up with this inventive verse, which advises parents?in this situation to firstly call an ambulance?unless they are on their own. In this case, they are urged to do 1 minute of CPR before calling for help.?The baby’s nose and mouth need to be covered before five puffs of breath are given, each lasting around a second. Then, using two fingers in the centre of the chest, give 30 pumps at a rate of 100 to 120 per minute.
Get to a phone.
Don’t take a chance.
First you must call an ambulaaaaaance.
Place your baby on a nice flat surface.
Tilt their head back, don’t be nervous.
Give five puffs over the mouth and nose.
Not sure what we mean? Well here’s how it goes:
One puff, two puffs, three puffs and four
Five is enough, don’t puff any more.
Place two fingers upon the chest,
and pump 30 times — no more, no less.
Puff, puff — and thirty more pumps,
Repeat this until the ambulance comes.
The campaign has already been credited with saving the lives of 46 children, so watch it below and please share the video, because?the reality is that you never know when you may need to do this.
Via AdWeek