My Life in Culture: Irish director John Kelly
My Life in Culture: Irish director John Kelly

Sarah Finnan

The trouser trends coming to your wardrobe this spring
The trouser trends coming to your wardrobe this spring

Sinead Keenan

Madigan Cashmere: ‘We’d like to be remembered as the maker of garments that bore witness to lives well-lived’
Madigan Cashmere: ‘We’d like to be remembered as the maker of garments that bore witness...

Sarah Finnan

Image / Editorial

Wedding etiquette, beach bods and unfortunate odours – All this week on The Spill

By Erin Lindsay
08th Jun 2018
Wedding etiquette, beach bods and unfortunate odours – All this week on The Spill

Have you ever had one of those days that screamed for a wine and chats sesh with your girlfriends?  Enter’s podcast, The Spill. 

The Spill is hosted by our very own self-proclaimed agony aunts Sophie White and Rhona McAuliffe.  With a mix of discussion on current affairs, arts and culture and some healthy advice to our listeners, it’s the best place to unwind and deliberate the issues affecting Irish women today.

If you’ve ever worried about what it’s really like to get an intense back massage, then this week’s opening discussion is an eye-opener. Sophie, who has a long-term back condition, braved a new massage parlour to try and find some relief and was bullied into submission by her masseuse. Thankfully, though, she’s all the better for it now.

Following on from that anecdote, our hosts go on to discuss being ‘beach ready’. Rhona is not a big follower of beach prep, though she admits she has become more ‘civilised’ recently compared to her younger years. Sophie, in her words, does “haphazard prep” – lots of time on some treatments, zero on others. The past few years have seen a backlash against the notion of beach bodies and has encouraged body positivity, both of which our women have felt in their day-to-day lives. But is it OK to still exercise for aesthetic purposes, and to look good on the beach? Do you put a lot of stock in being beach-ready?

Summertime = wedding season and Sophie and Rhona have a lot to discuss. In the shadow of the Royal Wedding a few weeks ago, our hosts reminisce about their own weddings and how extravagant (or casual) they were. There has been a huge discussion these past few years about what the appropriate amount is to give as a gift to the newly-weds, with opinions at all points on the scale. From the ridiculous to the sublime, it’s hard to know what to expect from a modern wedding. What’s your opinion on the growing cost of attending nuptials? What’s your idea of the perfect wedding?

In this week’s Hit Me Up, Rhona has been sent a message from a lady with a slightly fishy problem. Having recently begun a new relationship, Shtanking from Dublin has been having sex four or five times a day with her new lover. All sounds great, except for the new odour coming from down below. While all women may have varying degrees of experience with this problem, the consensus seems to still stand; head to the doctor!