01st May 2021
Outdoor dining promises to be a prominent feature this summer, so make sure you’re prepared with these fun, portable plates.
Even if you’re not usually one for packing a bag with a rug and some snacks to meet friends, you can bet that it’s probably going to be a mainstay of your summer. With indoor activities not looking likely to return any time soon, outdoor socialising will be the order of the day.
And when the weather is good, enjoying food outside friends is exactly how we want to spend our summer.
You don’t need to arrive laden down with accessories to have a good picnic (although it’s fun to go all-out), but plates are pretty much non-negotiable. Non-breakable plates are also handy for back-garden gatherings and barbecues once they are allowed again, too. We’ve found 14 gorgeous options to set you up for summer.