Top 3 most exciting new Irish videos we’ve watched today (we did some work as well)
24th Aug 2020
From the multicultural cream of Irish hip-hop, to Brendan Glessons’s startling new turn as Donald Trump, to Killian Sundermann hilariously losing it to bad news Irish radio, here are the top three videos rocking the remote IMAGE office today.
Fancy Irish Hip Hop
The creme de la creme of East Coast Irish hip hop drop skills as deep as x-rays via the memorable God knows – Who’s Asking? (East Coast Allstars Remix).
Donal(d) Gleeson
Our Don channels theirs (ours being a figure of pride and affection among most, if not all, citizens theirs being Donald Trump). We were enthralled by the first trailer released for the upcoming Showtime Limited Series The Comey Rule.
Killian It
Gas man Killian Sundmaan had us equal parts crying with laughter and despairing (mostly despairing) at his parody of Irish morning radio during a pandemic …
RTE News do this every morning
— Killian Sundermann (@killersundymann) July 29, 2020
Read more: The Lockdown Lowdown with the creator of Irish Women in Harmony and featured artists Soulé, Róisín O and Faye O’Rourke
Read more: You’ve streamed the video, made the donation. Now read the backstory to RuthAnne’s Irish Women in Harmony
Read more: The Irish arts festivals that are adapting with online performances and revised formats