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Join our networking event: ‘Word Up: Why Communication is Key’

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Join our networking event: ‘Word Up: Why Communication is Key’
Join our networking event: ‘Word Up: Why Communication is Key’


Level up your hosting game with these bar cart essentials

Level up your hosting game with these bar cart essentials

by Sarah Gill
18th Nov 2023

From cocktail shakers and champagne coupes to the bar cart itself, here are some essential items every at-home bar needs…

Maraschino cherries, bitters and garnishes, you can fool your guests into thinking you’re a cocktail connoisseur with all the paraphernalia required to create a mixed drink worthy of any five-star bar.

If you want to really set yourself apart from the Smirnoff and 7-Up set-up of years gone by, try making your own homemade sugar syrup and decanting it into a glass bottle. Equal parts sugar to water, it doesn’t take much to impress!

Naturally, having a healthy selection of booze is an absolute essential when pulling together your own at-home bar. Tequila and triple sec, vermouth and ice cold vodka, it’s really dealer’s choice! 

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