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My Life in Culture: Mentalist Keith Barry

My Life in Culture: Mentalist Keith Barry

A world-renowned mentalist, entertainer and subconscious mind specialist, Keith Barry needs no introductions. Set to bring his new show – Mind Game – on tour around Ireland next month, he’ll be playing venues all around the country from Killarney to Drogheda, Galway to Castlebar.

The last thing I saw and loved… a basking shark whilst on a boat trip with Dingle Sea Safari in Dingle. It was incredible seeing the biodiversity in Dingle Bay – we saw dolphins (no Fungie unfortunately), seals, whales, but the most amazing thing was to see the size and beauty of a basking shark up close and personal.

The book I keep coming back to… The Choice by Edith Eger. Every time I read that book, I find a new message that inspires me when times get tough. She is an amazing human being who survived the Holocaust. The book’s underlying message is that regardless of circumstances, we all have a choice on how we think and respond to those circumstances.

I find inspiration… everywhere! I’m always looking for inspiration. When reading a book, watching a movie, eating a meal, with friends, in nature – if you seek to be inspired, you will find it in the most unlikely of places. Inspiration comes from a mindset of being infinitely curious.  

My favourite film is… The Shawshank Redemption. I love the underlying message which is basically to be patient in reaching your goals. It took him 19 years to escape! I was privileged to have worked with Morgan Freeman on Now You See Me 2 which was amazing.

My career highlight is… headlining in Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas. It’s every young magician’s dream to headline in Vegas. It was amazing to see my face on every billboard up and down the strip. They even branded the room keycards with my face which was surreal!

The song I listen to to get in the zone is… ‘Thunderstruck’ by AC/DC – I listen to it every single day when I’m in my ice bath to set up for the day ahead.

The last book I recommended is… The Power of One More by Ed Mylett.  I love reading self-development books. Ed’s message is simple but true; give 1% more in every single aspect of your life and your life will change completely – for the better of course!

I never leave the house without… a deck of cards. I’m always ready to perform – any time, any place, anywhere.  If you know what to do with a deck of cards, it can take you around the world.

The performance I still think about is… Marina Abramovic, The Artist Is Present. She sat staring at random strangers for days on end as members of the public took turns sitting across from her and staring back at her. It is weirdly emotional and inspired my own performance piece – The Mystery of the Red Envelope.

The best advice I’ve ever gotten is… panic achieves nothing. My dad drilled it into me as a child and still does to this very day. I’ve done a lot of crazy stunts and escapes over the years. Some of them have been very close calls, such as the time I ran out of air on stage in the INEC in Killarney whilst chained underwater. If I had panicked. I would have passed out and maybe drowned. But in that moment, I remembered the advice my dad gave me, dug into my reserves and managed to escape.

My favourite thing about my Mind Games tour is… challenging the sceptics! I gamble up to €20,000 every night in a mind game where if a sceptic beats me, they win the cash! There is nothing better for an audience to witness than me turning a sceptic into a believer on stage. Also, I love the mass experiment where the whole audience has their minds read simultaneously. Audience members are truly the stars of the show, and every night is different.

The most challenging thing about being on stage is… dealing with difficult participants. Sometimes a person might be tipsy or drunk on stage and can’t follow a simple instruction. That can be challenging at times, but after doing this for 25 years, most times I use it as an opportunity to improvise and create a comedic moment on stage.

After a show, I… either have a few beers with the audience if I’m staying overnight, or if I drive home afterwards, I have a cup of green tea whilst mindlessly watching Judge Judy repeats until I start to fall asleep.

If I wasn’t a hypnotist, mentalist and brain hacker, I would be… a vet. I love animals and worked with a vet in my teenage years. In another life, I definitely would have been a vet!

Tickets for Keith Barry’s new show Mind Game, start at €35.65 including booking fees and are on sale now. You can find out more information and pick up tickets here. Imagery courtesy of Keith Barry.