Saturday night snack hacks: 16 delicious, healthy ideas to curb takeaway cravings
By Shayna Sappington
13th Jan 2024
13th Jan 2024
Keep cravings at bay this weekend with these healthy snack ideas for your Saturday evening.
A new year has dawned and new year’s resolutions are in full swing.
Starting a savings fund, frequenting the gym, reading more… whatever your new goals are, it can be hard to stick to them. For many, myself included, eating healthier has always been a goal that becomes more feasible and needed after a Christmas break full of chocolate bars, celebration boxes, roast dinners and crisps (So. Many. Crisps.).
That said, eating healthy doesn’t mean you have to stop snacking, because let’s face it… that’s impossible. So, with that in mind, here are 16 healthy snacks that are just as tasty as they are filling.
On the go
1. Veggies and hummus
Find your favourite hummus dip filled with healthy fats, and eat with carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes or peppers.
2. Rye crispbreads with ricotta cheese
Packed with fibre, they crunch just like crisps, and with a smooth, creamy cheese on top, you could almost trick yourself…
3. Tuna lettuce wraps
A great way to get leafy greens without limiting yourself to just a salad. Tuna is packed with omega-3 fatty acids, an anti-inflammatory that improves heart health and strengthens immunity.
4. Trail mix
Raw nuts, seeds, dried fruit and dark chocolate or popcorn is a delicious and nutritious combo (buy in bulk to save money).
5. Greek yoghurt with fruit
Greek yoghurt is protein-rich, full of probiotics and boosts your metabolism – ideal for bursts of energy during a long day.
6. Apple slices or celery sticks with peanut butter
Peanut butter is filled with protein and potassium and pairing it with fruit is an easy (but still tasty) snack idea.
7. Caprese avocado toast
Mash one avocado with lemon juice, salt and pepper then spread on toast with cherry tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and a balsamic glaze.
Change it up
8. Honey-garlic cauliflower
Recipe from Delish
9. Bacon avocado fries
Recipe from Delish
10. Sweet potato chips
Recipe from BBC Good Food
11. Hard-boiled eggs and asparagus soldiers
Recipe from Jamie Oliver
12. Baked parmesan aubergine fries
Recipe from SkinnyTaste
13. Homemade granola bars
Recipe from Kayla Itsines
14. Spicy roasted chickpeas
Recipe from Minimalist Baker
15. Healthy banana bread
Recipe from BBC Good Food
16. Veggie nuggets
Recipe from Real Mom Nutrition
Photos: Unsplash and Pexels.