My Life in Culture: Irish director John Kelly
My Life in Culture: Irish director John Kelly

Sarah Finnan

The trouser trends coming to your wardrobe this spring
The trouser trends coming to your wardrobe this spring

Sinead Keenan

Madigan Cashmere: ‘We’d like to be remembered as the maker of garments that bore witness to lives well-lived’
Madigan Cashmere: ‘We’d like to be remembered as the maker of garments that bore witness...

Sarah Finnan

Image / Living / Property

The most beautiful holiday homes on the market that we’ll be daydreaming about all week

by Megan Burns
26th Aug 2021

It's best to be prepared for when your lotto numbers finally come up.

There’s no denying our love of looking at luxurious homes for sale. Pure escapism at its finest, not only does drooling over dreamy spaces give our brain a welcome hit of serotonin, there’s something fun about imagining yourself lounging beside that pool, or luxuriating in the obscenely large bathtub. Another undeniably enjoyable aspect is finding things you don’t like in these homes so expensive, you and your whole extended family could try and club together...

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