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Your 8 essential true crime podcasts for summer 2022

By Helen O'Brien
27th May 2022
Your 8 essential true crime podcasts for summer 2022

If you have been slacking on your true crime podcast listening, fear not. We have signed up popular podcast reviewer Helen O’Brien, of No Road Long Enough, to share the titles that you don’t want to miss this summer.

Whether you are planning a holiday abroad or are simply looking forward to sitting out in your backyard relaxing, Summer is here and I think we are all ready for some down time and (hopefully) some sunshine. If you are looking for true crime podcasts to keep you company, keep you entertained and keep you listening, then look no further – here are my Top 8 of 2022…so far!

True crime podcast

Casefile Presents: The Detective’s Dilemma


The Detective’s Dilemma investigates the 2011 disappearance of 22-year-old Sian O’Callaghan after a night out with her friends in Swindon, Wiltshire. We hear first-hand accounts of this crime from Sian’s family and friends, as well as from Detective Steve Fulcher who investigated the case. Not only was this case life-changing for Sian’s loved ones, it had massive career altering consequences for Detective Fulcher as well.

This is a truly enthralling podcast that will most likely make you cry and will most definitely cause some internal rage when you learn all the facts of this case and the subsequent treatment of the detective. All 10 episodes are available now – listen here.


Hosted By Sarah Ferris – Evergreen Podcasts & CONmunity Podcast

The scene of this crime is beautiful New Zealand and if you love the kiwi accent as much as I do then you are in for a real treat. The Klooghless podcast tells the story of financial advisor (and scammer) Barry Kloogh. Trusted by everyone in the local area of Dunedin, Kloogh stole over $15 million from 81 victims through a massive Ponzi scheme that he operated for almost all of his “professional” life, over 20 years.

Throughout this podcast we hear from some of the victims of Kloogh’s scam, many of whom regarded Kloogh as a close family friend. Kloogh not only stole their money, he also stole their financial security, their futures and their ability to trust others. All seven episodes are available now – listen here.

True crime podcast

Twin Flames

Hosted By Stephanie Bestriz, Wondery

In the Twin Flames podcast we are introduced to a dating platform of the same name which was founded and created by couple Jeff and Shaleia Ayan. The Twin Flames platform promises to help you find your soulmate, your true love, your true twin flame. It operates under the premise that a Twin Flame is “…a deep, romantic connection with your perfect partner – It’s divine love, you’re designed for no one else, and they’re designed for no one else” (Wondery).

We hear from some subscribers to the Twin Flames platform and we quickly learn that this is not a normal dating platform, it is extremely involved and intense and the methods recommended and used to help you find and acquire your “twin flame” are far from routine, they are, at times, even illegal!

All seven episodes of this podcast are available now. As a little side note, for any Brooklyn Nine-Nine TV show fans, this podcast is presented by Stephanie Beatriz who plays the character Rosa Diaz in the award-winning show. Listen here.

Sympathy Pains

Hosted By Laura Beil, iHeartPodcasts

The Sympathy Pains podcast is a six-part series investigating the crimes of serial liar and fraudster Sarah Delashmit. Delashmit convinces people that she is sick, she has cancer, she has muscular dystrophy and an array of other illnesses (the illness changes depending on her targets).

Delashmit goes all in to make her stories believable, she uses props such as a wheelchair, she posts photos from her hospital bed and on and on. Every illness leads to new targets/victims for Delashmit. She targets charities related to each illness which of course has many “perks” for her, such as free stays at special camps for sufferers, free medical equipment, free counselling and health care to list just a few. This podcast is mind boggling and absolutely gripping.

We hear from many of the victims of Sarah’s crimes and their attempts to have her stopped and punished. There are six episodes currently available – listen here.

Yuba County Five

Hosted by Shannon McGarvey, Mopac Audio

Yuba County Five is a new true crime podcast series from Mopac Audio this time investigating the 1978 disappearance of five male adults who were last seen in a remote area of the then snow covered Sierra Nevada mountains of Northern California.

This is an enthralling and very mysterious story. We hear from lots of family and friends of the missing men as well as from the police who were involved in the case. There are so many theories and scenarios put forward, but will they even uncover what actually happened? All seven episodes are available now – listen here.

True crime podcast

Fairy Meadow

Hosted By Jon Kay, BBC Radio 4

This BBC Radio 4 true crime podcast focuses on the January 12th 1970 disappearance of three year old Cheryl Grimmer from the Fairy Meadow Beach in Wollongong, Illawarra, New South Wales, Australia.

The Grimmer family migrated from Bristol in the UK to Australia shortly before Cheryl’s disappearance. On the day of her disappearance, her eldest brother Ricki was the last family member to see her and he is a key participant in this investigative podcast series. This podcast is “the story of what really happens to a family after a child goes missing. It’s the story of Ricki’s guilt and how it has changed his life. And it is a story of a mystery that won’t go away”(BBC Radio 4). Ricki’s feelings of guilt and despair are palpable throughout this podcast and your heart will break for him and the rest of Cheryl’s family.

All eight episodes are available now- listen here.

Queen of the Con: The O.C. Saviour

Hosted By Johnathan Walton for AYR Media & iHeartRadio

He brought us the fantastically gripping Queen of the Con: The Irish Heiress and now host Johnathan Walton is back with season two, Queen of the Con: The O.C. Saviour. This time we are in Orange County, California and Lizzie Mulder is con-queen in action here.

Mulder presents herself as a CPA with a long list of wealthy clients and boasting a lavish lifestyle. The truth about Mulder is revealed, but of course not until she has embezzled hundreds of thousands of dollars from multiple victims through an elaborate Ponzi scheme involving fraudulent college degrees, fake investors and a voice altering app on her Smartphone.

This podcast is really entertaining, while the subject matter is serious, the host and the victims who feature in this podcast consistently find humour in their predicaments and there are frequent laugh out loud moments.

There are four episodes available so far – listen here.

True crime podcast

Deliver Us From Ervil

Hosted By Jesse Hyde, NOVEL & iHeartPodcasts

This story begins in the 1940s, in a remote area of the Mexican desert where a group of optimistic Mormons build a town based on their hopes and dreams. However, their “utopia” is quickly ruined when the founding family’s son Ervil LeBaron goes rogue (to say the least). Ervil’s inability to garner the support and respect of the local community and his resulting loss of power pushes him over the edge and he turns to crime to get what he wants.

This is the story of Ervil and the evolution of what was once a religious cult into an organised crime family. There are five episodes available to date – listen here.


So that is it, eight great true crime podcasts to keep you company on these long summer days, however you choose to spend them.

To find more of Helen’s podcast recommendations, check out the podcast space of her blog, No Road Long Enough,